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Category: Eye Surgery

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Understanding the Pros & Cons of ICL Surgery

Close-up of the right side of a person's face as they smile and look into the camera with clear vision after ICL surgery.

Having the gift of clear vision without daily reliance on glasses or contact lenses can be life-changing for many people. Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) surgery is an alternative to laser eye surgery procedures like LASIK to permanently correct vision.  ICL surgery offers clear benefits such as improved vision, reversibility, and suitability for those with high […]

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Can You Get Eye Surgery If You Have Astigmatism?

A woman lying under operating equipment, waiting for her eye surgery at an eye care centre in the presence of her eye doctor.

Tired of having blurry vision? Do you dislike wearing glasses? You’re not alone! Patients with astigmatism commonly wonder if they can correct their vision with eye surgery, eliminating the need for glasses. Astigmatism, a common vision condition that causes blurred vision, affects many people to some degree. It most commonly occurs when the cornea is […]

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Can High Myopia Be Corrected?

A young woman holding out a pair of glasses in front of her face while looking through one of the lenses.

Looking for Clearer Distance Vision Many people rely on glasses or contact lenses to improve nearsightedness (blurry distance vision). Unfortunately, even wearing prescription lenses may not provide clear vision when you have a severe refractive error. People with high myopia often need additional vision correction to see comfortably. Patients with severe myopia may need to […]

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What Is RLE Surgery?

A doctor looking at a patient's eye through a microscope while the patient lays on the exam bed during surgery.

RLE surgery, or refractive lens exchange surgery, is a procedure used to help correct certain refractive errors. This innovative procedure has allowed more patients to enjoy clear vision without such a heavy dependence on prescription eyewear. But RLE isn’t for everyone. You need a consultation with an eye doctor to determine if RLE is right […]

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