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Why Regular Retinal Exams Are Important

An ophthalmologist explaining the anatomy of an eye to his patient during her regular retinal exam.

The retina holds immense importance in our visual perception. Routine retinal exams help preserve the longevity and clarity of this pivotal sensory hub. Positioned at the rear of the eye, the retina plays a crucial role in how we see things. Getting regular retinal checkups as part of your eye assessments is vital for maintaining […]

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What Is Corneal Tomography?

A doctor's hands holding an enlarged, digitally animated eyeball with a blue iris.

Understanding the complexities of your cornea is essential for your eye doctor’s understanding of your eye health. Corneal tomography and corneal topography are two powerful diagnostic tools, and while they might sound similar, these technologies offer distinct insights into your vision health. Corneal topography provides a detailed map of the cornea’s surface curvature, highlighting irregularities […]

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How Long Between Cataract Surgery on Each Eye?

Extreme close-up of a brown-eyed person's right eye. The eye has signs of cataracts.

The onset of cataracts, a common condition among older adults that impacts vision, can be frustrating and isolating. For many people, the solution can be cataract surgery, a reliable technique that has transformed blurred vision into greater clarity.  If you’re considering cataract surgery, you’re probably wondering if it can be performed on both eyes simultaneously […]

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How Long Does LASIK Take?

An extreme close-up of an eye with different-shaped circles around it, illustrating scanning the eye in preparation for LASIK.

Imagine a world where crisp, unaided sight awaits you each morning, where there is no need to fumble for glasses or struggle with contact lenses. This world could exist thanks to LASIK surgery, a relatively quick procedure with long-lasting vision benefits.  If you’re considering LASIK, you probably have many questions, including how long the surgery […]

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Types of Laser Eye Surgery & What They Are For

A woman and her eye surgeon preparing for laser eye surgery

For many people, the term “laser eye surgery” refers to procedures like LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) and PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). Those refractive surgical procedures are just 1 way lasers can be used for eye care—they are not the full extent.  The many types of refractive eye surgery include: Lasers can go far beyond addressing […]

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What Causes Dry Skin Around the Eyes?

A young woman sitting at a desk in an office with her laptop and holding her glasses in her left hand as she rubs her eyes

We all know that dry-skin feeling—irritating, scratchy, and tight. Just plain uncomfortable. Our skin needs water and oil to stay supple, soft, and healthy, but dry skin lacks these essential components. While dry patches can pop up anywhere on the body, the skin around our eyes is thinner, more delicate, lacks oil glands, and can […]

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Is Blepharitis Contagious?

A man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his left hand as he rubs his eyes

Blepharitis develops unpleasant symptoms, including redness, irritation, and inflammation. But how does blepharitis develop and can you catch it from someone else? While a bacterial infection may cause the condition, blepharitis is not contagious. However, blepharitis shares some signs and symptoms with common contagious eye infections, such as pink eye (viral conjunctivitis), so visiting your […]

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IPL Treatment for Dry Eye vs. Lipiflow

A woman with long, straight, brown hair wearing a gray button-up sweater is sitting in an office with a laptop off to the side, rubbing her eyes with both hands

When you’re struggling with eye irritation from dry eye, intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) and Lipiflow are treatment options that can provide lasting solutions to the symptoms. Both IPL and Lipiflow are noninvasive procedures that use devices to break up blockages in the meibomian glands, allowing your eyes to produce fresh, well-balanced tears to lubricate […]

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