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Category: Dry Eye

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What Causes Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

A person in a grey sweater with their eyes closed rubs their left eye in discomfort from meibomian gland dysfunction

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a common yet often overlooked condition that can significantly impact eye health.  This dysfunction occurs when the meibomian glands, which produce the lipid component of tears, become obstructed or impaired in function. As a result, individuals may experience dry eyes, irritation, inflammation, and even difficulty wearing contact lenses.  MGD can […]

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What Causes Dry Skin Around the Eyes?

A young woman sitting at a desk in an office with her laptop and holding her glasses in her left hand as she rubs her eyes

We all know that dry-skin feeling—irritating, scratchy, and tight. Just plain uncomfortable. Our skin needs water and oil to stay supple, soft, and healthy, but dry skin lacks these essential components. While dry patches can pop up anywhere on the body, the skin around our eyes is thinner, more delicate, lacks oil glands, and can […]

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IPL Treatment for Dry Eye vs. Lipiflow

A woman with long, straight, brown hair wearing a gray button-up sweater is sitting in an office with a laptop off to the side, rubbing her eyes with both hands

When you’re struggling with eye irritation from dry eye, intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) and Lipiflow are treatment options that can provide lasting solutions to the symptoms. Both IPL and Lipiflow are noninvasive procedures that use devices to break up blockages in the meibomian glands, allowing your eyes to produce fresh, well-balanced tears to lubricate […]

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How Many Treatments of IPL Do You Need?

A calendar with the word "treatment" written and circled in red with the red pen laying beside.

Innovative treatments for eye conditions and diseases are developing all the time. Advancements in research and modern technology have allowed eye care providers across the country to learn more about (and treat more) eye conditions than ever before. IPL is a treatment that can help patients alleviate painful, irritating symptoms of dry eye. But what […]

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How to Unclog Meibomian Glands?

A close-up of a person pulling down their lower eyelid to show their meibomian glands

Are your eyes always itchy, irritated, or uncomfortable? It could be a sign you have dry eye disease. Dry eye disease is a common condition that affects many Canadians, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through the symptoms.  Dry eye disease isn’t always complicated, and sometimes a simple treatment like meibomian gland expression […]

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